關於我們 • ABOUT

  iWorld Exchange/閱世界補習班
iWorld Exchange/閱世界補習班, is committed to promoting and furthering English education beyond the usual standards. Through our modern and dynamic teaching approach, we help students augment their English skills that allow them to become competitive in the language.

iWorld Exchange/閱世界補習班,我們致力於推廣和推動超越常規標準的英語教育。我們透過現代和動態的教學方法,幫助孩子們提升英語技能,使他們在語言方面變得比他人更有競爭力。
  At iWorld Exchange/閱世界補習班
At iWorld Exchange/閱世界補習班, we go beyond that by imparting the basic foundation of the language for students to learn effectively. It all started with our own children (aged 9 and 3), we wanted to enhance their English skills further. So, we’ve designed an English learning system that is very out of the box specifically for them. Hence, iScience and iStart were born.

在 iWorld Exchange/閱世界補習班,我們的課程教學方式超越了一般語言教學的基礎,讓孩子們更有效率地學習英語。 這一切的教學方式都始於我們自己的孩子(9 歲和 3 歲),因為我們希望進一步提升他們的英語技能。 因此,我們專門為他們設計了一套具有創造性、獨特性,打破常規的英語學習系統。 所以iScience 和 iStart 誕生了。

Furthermore, our school provides an environment conducive to the development of your English proficiency as we provide cultural activities which make your English learning experience a holistic one. We firmly believe that learning English should be beyond the four walls of the classroom. Thus, learning English at iWorld Exchange/閱世界補習班 becomes a lifestyle.

此外,我們提供了一個有利於提升孩子們英語水平的環境,我們準備了許多文化活動:萬聖節、聖誕節…等,多元化的課程讓孩子們能夠完整的學習英語。 我們堅信學習英語應該超越課堂、超越書本,在 iWorld Exchange/閱世界補習班學習英語,成為一種生活方式。


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