High School (Junior)
This is a continuation of our ESL program. At this stage, students are expected to be able to breeze through their school English lessons with ease. Thus, this program provides the students with tools to take advance English Proficiency Exam (Cambridge KET/PET/GEPT). Further, they are prepared to take the Senior High School Entrance Test as well.
這是ESL 課程的延續。 在這個階段,學生們能夠較輕鬆地完成他們在學校的英語課程。 因此,該課程為學生提供了提前參加英語水平考試(劍橋 KET/PET/全民英檢GEPT)的能力。 此外,也能讓他們準備好參加高中入學考試,以及培訓論文寫作與辯論能力。